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Why draw? What’s the purpose of drawing? Why should we do it? To begin with let’s define what drawing is. To draw is to make pictures by writing on surface with a pen, marker, chalk, charcoal, and in our modern times drawing can be produced with light pens on tablet computers.
The definitions seem simple enough, but why do it? The simple answer to this question is it’s because we are human.
As human beings it is an internal desire within us to be creative. Drawing allows our creativity to flow, and it is another way to express ourselves. People have a natural need to express themselves, and feel a sense of accomplishment with something they created.

A picture from camera is just a picture, but a picture constructed from someone’s hand is something very special and unique. Through someone’s artistic eye, a person or an object’s personality can be seen more clearly.
Drawing has been important for people dating back to pre-historic times. We all know about the cave paintings made by people long ago. Drawing becomes a way to leave our mark on the world, to let people know we are here and who we are.
The ancient Egyptians understood that. We understand the ancient Egyptians more than any other civilization due to their desire to be known; through their hieroglyphics, paintings, and carvings that reveals every aspect of their daily lives and history.
Most of society has gotten away from drawing. In the past, over one hundred years ago, drawing was an essential part of education. Before the creation of the camera it was one of the most important ways to express information. The very small details of anything can be etched within one’s mind by drawing it.
It has been shown that drawing can improve your brain and memory. Drawing can make both of your left and right hemisphere of your brain be more in sync with one another
Drawing can grow more brain cells, help improve concentration, relieve depression, and reduce stress. A person’s hand eye coordination can be enhanced- giving a person better control of their motor skills; this is especially important during a child’s development.

There is so much challenge in art and drawing. Just think about how much improvement in your brain can come from day to day learning to draw. For more advanced artists, just think about how your brain can grow from drawing something from memory, or sketching something or someone within a manor of minutes of seeing them.
Learning to draw can be an important tool in developing scientific knowledge. Drawing every detail on the anatomy of any living creature can increase ones observational skill tremendously. Biological illustrations have become an important part of understanding living creatures, and in understanding their primary functions.
Your observation skills can grow by just watching and drawing people. You see people’s emotions right in their faces; a good sketch of these facial and body tells can increase your understanding of people- which may extend to your real life interactions with people.
Observation through drawing helps with designing houses for building or remodeling. How can a designer really do their job effectively without first mapping their ideas out with drawing.
There are soo many benefits to drawing; it is important to make drawing a part of all of our lives not just for artists. People are very visual, it has been shown that creating sketch-notes and doodles helps people remember their notes better instead of writing hand written notes.
Even drawing stick people can be a helpful form of understanding the world around us. You can have fun of all kinds with stick people, and pose them in various ways to express what you may want to convey in your notes.

In life it is important to be better than ourselves, and drawing can be a great way to grow as a person. As we have discussed, drawing helps in learning about people and the world around you. Drawing can be important for your health- in relieving stress and growing memory.
Our eyes are instantly drawn to a nice colorful illustration. That’s one of the reasons we love comic books. With comics it’s not only about the writing, but also the illustrations portrayed are what engrosses us into the story.
Most of all it is fun. So be sure to make drawing a daily part of your life, you will be a better person for it.