I have no idea what I have seen with my own two eyes. I have seen many horror movies, and weird tvs shows, but this Dummy Show Trailer can scare the living daylights out of anyone. Move over a Pennywise here comes Feminist Sex Doll.
The trailer for Dummy (Year: 2020), a new show starring Anna Kendrick; she is also Executive Producer of the show. The Dummy show is streaming on the recently launched app/ network, Quibi.
The trailer begins with Cody played by Anna Kendrick making out with her older boyfriend, Dan, on a bed. She then notices a glitter sequin on the bed, and questions Dan if he is cheating on her. Dan then reveals he has a sex doll.
Cody opens the closet to reveal the sex doll, it is named Barbara; it then talks (yes) and says, “Syyke!” Cody is then frightened by it (as we all are when watching this trailer). Not only is it a sex doll, but it is a ‘feminist sex doll,”

The clue to the doll being a feminist is when in one scene she states, ‘We’re all sex dolls until we topple the patriarchy.” Kendrick uncomfortabley laughs at the sex doll as it is taking a bath in a tub.
It is important to note that this scene is in the second episode of the series, and the synopsis for this episode is as follows, “Barbars asks Cody to wash her vagina which leads to a disastrous accident.” Well, entertainment at its best I guess. Later on in the trailer, the doll is wearing a t-shirt stating, “Nasty Woman,” solidifying her charachter as feminist.
Of course, as expected, Cody hen takes the sex doll and goes on a road trip with it (Who wouldn’t have that in mind). Before she flees with the doll, Cody sees a therapist, and the therapist tells her to embrace this different side of herself (therapy money well spent).
Normally one would think that the best treatment would be to send her to a mental institution; but I guess accepting that talking to a sex doll as a if it was real, and then going on an adventure with it works too.

In thinking about the premise of this story, if you were an older man with a younger cute woman as a grirlfriend why would you want to have a sex doll? No wonder Kendrick‘s character Cody is traumatized by seeing the sex doll, and then goes crazy.
I normally like Anna Kendrick, I think she is cute and funny. Also, I can see that the creators of the show are trying to be funny, and it is obvious that at the same time they are trying to make some political points in this story; but it just falls flat, and it looks very creepy!
The plot of this Dummy series seems to focus on the insecurities of this woman; the moment she sees the sex doll she has a breakdown. Many plots in modern entertainment can reflect things that are happening in real life, and also elaborate on perceived ideologies, and this seems to be no different
The moment Kendrick‘s character sees the sex doll it is clear that she sees it as a threat. Questions that may normally arise in a woman’s mind while in a relationship is “why would he have a sex doll when he can have me?”

It is undeniable that the doll then becomes her mouthpiece or thought piece in dealing with this threat. That’s why the types of things that come from the dolls mouth are feminist tropes.
Whether you agree or not it seems to me that men have needs, and sometimes these desires are only sex. In my view, feminism seems to see this as a threat to their idea of wanting to be seen as something more than a sex object.
Unfortunately in certain circumstances some feminists may want to control the narrative on sex for men; and in other situations- to want full control of men. I am not endorsing the use of sex dolls, or to treat sex in a trivial and selfish way. I believe, and many others agree that sex is a part of a meaningful relationship; especially in a deep committed one.
To have such a topic rolled up in what is supposed to be a raunchy comedy doesn’t seem very funny to me. There is so much cringe in this trailer, and I get the feeling that there will be more cringe in the show.

The CGI is poorly done, there are better. I think people may be more distracted with the poor animation quality than paying attention to the stories. There may have been some financial cutbacks for such a show, and because it is a new network; but the animation could have still been better.
In such a short trailer there are some disturbing scenes. For example, the scene where the animators of the sex doll lusts after a 14-year-old boy as he comes out of the pool below their hotel window.
The sex dolls says “Who is that!!??”in a lustful way. As stated previously it is obvious that the thoughts of the sex doll are a reflection of Kendrick‘s character, Cody’s thoughts.
Cody may seem to be disgusted by the idea of ogling a half-naked 14-year-old boy but it is apparent that these thoughts are her own. In other words, Kendrick’s character found the young boy attractive; since Anna Kendrick’s age is 34 years old- it is very disturbing.

If this is supposed to attract people to the new app/network Quibi; in my opinion they may have some problems getting an audience in the future.The cringed line alone, “We’re going to be the best feministy, feminists that were ever feminist.” Just may lead people away to something else.
Just one more question, what happened to the boyfriend? When the sex doll was discovered, this could have been an opportune moment to talk over some issues with her boyfriend. Instead she just steals his doll and leaves on a road trip with it? Now he is alone, without his girlfriend, and his sex doll to keep him company. But maybe that’s the point of the story.
This is not a review of the Quibi show; it’s only an opinion of the Quibi Dummy Show Trailer. There could be more revelations in the show that may be missing in this show trailer review.
If you are curious, and you want to see the show, Quibi has eight episodes of Dummy available for streaming at the time of the writing of this post. A subscription is required with a 90 day free trial.
Dummy stars:
Anna Kendrick, Cody (Executive Producer)
Meredith Hagner, Barbara (Sex Doll)
Donal Logue, Dan (Boyfriend)
Joel McHale, Agent Jason
Rob Corddry, Agent Phil
Pictures are screenshots from YouTube. View and link above.