HISHE Gives Brad Pitt a One Way Ticket Back Home, and Rick Saves The Day

A wounded sheriff of a small town is just coming out of a long sleep. The sheriff wakes up in a hospital bed, confused about where he is he looks out the window to a scene of chaos running rampant throughout the streets. He asks the nurse, what is going on, she tells him the world is over run by Zombies.

Looking at this video from HISHE (How It Should Have Ended) you would think that this is an animated video on The Walking Dead. No, it is not. This is a parody of World War Z.

Is Brad Pitt Needed?


This video is too funny. It makes sense. The true answer to the Zombies weakness lies within people who are in hospitals due to their illness. It is of no surprise that Rick Grimes saves the day again by getting the information from the nurse that Zombies can’t see sick people.

Rick calls the CIA, and they can enact their plan to camouflage themselves from the Zombies. It is a weird plot point in World War Z but I guess it does make sense. Why would anyone alive eat meat that’s diseased, so it should not be any different if they are The Walking Dead.

Poor Brad Pitt. Being hauled away in a helicopter with his family. This cannot happen in Hollywood. Because it is Brad Pitt, the horrible events of a Zombie Apocalypse must go on. In the end Brad Pitt must save the day.

So it may be wishful thinking on the part of the animators and writers at HISHE. But the audience must be with Brad Pitt all the way when he fights through obstacles that would normally get anyone killed. Furthermore, we as the audience must be there supporting Pitt as he discovers the cure. Brad Pitt must be our savior in our time of need.

So even though it is a little taboo for HISHE to present such a parody scenario to us with this video. We can just sit back, laugh, and wonder what could have been in the movie World War Z.

Featured image from Flickr (Jinx!)
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