Drawing Spider-man From Paper to Computer

Just watch the below video, and you’ll see Spider-man come to life. When I was a kid I used to draw comics a lot, I loved to see what became my final drawings. I got away from it for a while, and I am getting into sketching again, but for now I am a little rusty in the drawing department. However, I do envy those that can draw like the wind.

Spider-man has always been my favorite character. He has the most unique costume. It takes a lot of work to just draw all the webs on his costume. After the creation of Spider-man, I bet any artist that had to draw him with all that black webbing in his costume must have been spending long nights to just draw them. I’m sure as time went by, they were able to draw them pretty fast. At least some artists got a break when Spider-man switched to the black costume.

I know that the video is sped up, but I can see that it took a lot of hard work and time to make the above picture. You can see all the little attention to detail that was put into this very fast, but very interesting video.

I like how the artist places Spider-man’s foe Venom’s reflection in his  eyes, as if he is facing his arch nemesis head on; creating an intense scene with such a still picture. After all that is one on the most exciting elements of comics- to witness these great action scenes. The artist’s rendering of Spider-man almost matches the Sony’s movie art posters.

If you enjoyed the above video. I am sure that you will enjoy the video below of The Amazing Spider-man being drawn right before your eyes strictly by hand. This image is from the Amazing Spider-man Poster starring Andrew Garfield (2012).

For any current or future artists out there, you are treated to commentary directly from the artist as you see him drawing it in real time. The artist in the video does ask for subscribers to his YouTube page a lot, so why not subscribe, the artist’s user name is r3nd0s; there is a lot of interesting sketches of celebrities done in a similar way to the below video.

Featured Image from Flickr, Terra-1
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